I think you know...

Monday, December 04, 2006

The Last Departmental!

I walk in the door and Abigail pulls out a chair for me... an evil gilint in her eye. She is sitting next to the Proffessor, and this chair means that i act as a buffer. Everyone looks at me... i have no choice but to choke back the bile and sit next to the Prof.

We all got a handout. Of Library activities. That we have used for the whole time i have been there, but now they are stapled into a booklet.
The professor is stoked. The THATNKS Long and Thin for her efforts - and Sycophant tells her its WONDERful. I can't get over the fact that they are buzzing out over rehashed resources. Losers.
New Girl suggests that there is something could be added to this handout.
"yeeees... thaaaaaat would be faaaaaaaabulous" drawls Sycophant. But thats too much trouble for Long and Thin... its already gone in for copying. Ahh well.

As Professor toalks on and on and on and on and... Penelope comes in, followed closely by the Toad. How come they can be late. I guess its cos they do fuck all.

Crazy colleague starts whinging about something. As I look at her, i have this weird feeling in my stomach. I think I actually might hate her. Yes... thats definitely it... i actually hate her.

Old Man is asking for an explanation of something. Well - that put professor on the back foot, she didnt know what to say to that. So she burbled soemthing incomprehensibel that no one was listening to... i thnk my eyes started glazing over.
Actulaly Nice Man snapped me out... staring into space.

I am PULLED from my reviere by the sound of Crazy Colleague complaining LOUDLY again. I am convinced now... yes indeed i hate her A LOT. She waS taling over the Professor, who then in turn raises her voice. Merry Fucking Xmas. I wish everyone would just SHUT up. Dont they get it - if they just shut up and let The Professor talk it would be over so much quicker.

Sychophant is saying "of course of course ... its much better that way"
Who knows what she is talking about. I dont. I have no idea.

The topic changes to what do do with badly behaved kids. We are told we are NOT to throw them out under any circumstances. Crazy Colleague never throws kids out.. hardly ever. neither does The Old Man. I snort, cos I am often visited by kids who have been booted from both their classes AS WELL as from the sychophants... and just about every other person in the department. Crazy starts one of her rants about how everything she does is great and what an effective practitioner she is blah... blah... blah... she monopolises all the conversations, which is fine cos i dont want to be part of it anyway ... but i dont think anyone else does either.

Just writing this is fucking me off - i will have to finish it later.


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